Friday, January 30, 2009

Thing 40 Mashups on the Web

I first tried (Let Me Google that for You) with the search libraries in the twin cities. It's fun to watch it type the question.

I doubt I'd ever use but I could see students interest in it. The website did not pull up when I went to look at it.

Libworm would be interesting but I don't have the time to sift thru 1400+ RSS feeds.

I was going to try travlr but it required a download. Phreetings did not work. I used Bighugelabs previously and wanted something new. I'm not into the "perfect outfit".

Here's one that appears to work:

Or not.

Wheel of Lunch was fun to play.

They can be fun to play with, but alot of them don't seem to work well.

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