Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thing 33 Travel 2.0

Travel 2.0: Social Networking Takes a Useful Turn (article by David Grossman from USA Today) I preferred this article to the first 2 which were on I seldom use that since the advertising is so annoying.

I looked at a couple of the travel blogs. Unless I'm going somewhere, and want to research a location, I would not go back to these. Even then, I tend to use websites to book my travel. If I'm exploring/researching locations I tend to use Lonely Planet, Youth Hostel sites, travel books, or the ilk. I'm not real big on podcasts, I'd rather check out a video or DVD at the library.

I looked at a couple of the review sites. So-so is my opinion.

I manage to read travel blogs when reading about IA so while the Mapness looked different, I was not really into this.

I've used map mashups before. They have their uses at times.

Would I use any of these regularly? No. None of them were that impressive to me. Might I use one at some time in the future - Maybe. Professionally - unlikely.

Sites I personally prefer include:
Also sites that include campgrounds etc.

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