Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thing 10 Wikis

Ok, I posted on the Sandbox site. I'm the one who had no idea what they were doing, but was told I couldn't mess it up, per 23thingsonastick instructions. I use wikis like Wikpedia, but have little interest in creating one, or editing it.

It seems kind of a fad to me, since so many are started and worked on for awhile, until the new "in thing" comes along, or the creator loses interest and they languish out in cyberspace.

I don't think schools/educators should ban wiki information, but I do think that students should use more than one source, preferably both electronic and print format.

Reader's Avisory could be done with wikis I guess. The applications are only as limited as your imagination. If I had to use it more, I'd probably feel more comfortable with it, but somedays it feels like there are too many new formats to learn.

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